11 June 2009

ConAss GALORE...

ConAss, ChaCha, amendments on the 1987 Constitution...
Whatever, people... How come a lot of Congressmen wants to amend the Constitution atonce when in fact, we are facing problems MORE, I mean MORE URGENT than this FREAKIN' Charter Cahnge.
  • CARP for the farmers
  • A(H1N1) outbreak
  • Dengue outbreak
  • Hayden-Katrina scandal (well, the least important other than this ConAss)

See... we've got a lot of ISSUES to face...

In my own opinion, I'm against ConAss... For the simple fact that the allies of PGMA are the ones to amend ithe Constitution... I would only favor revisions in the Constitution if the masses are going to do the revisions, a plebiscite for that matter. It ensures all Filipinos that there are no biases amongst the revisions... ***FAIR ENOUGH?

***As an example, I would like to make a suggestion...

Since a lot of Government leaders are alleged of a lot of scandals... Say for example President Arroyo, with NBN-ZTE Deal, Hello Garci wiretapping stuff...

I suggest that any Official accused of any for that matter shall withhold from their position to be investigated by the Ombudsman, or Ombudsmen, I should say...

Any official found innocent shall regain his position, the guilty official shall be ousted, and shall be replaced by the acting official finishing the term of the ousted official

  • President- VP
  • VP- Senate President, House Speaker
  • Senate President &/or House Speaker, or any leader of the Senate and Congress- Senator or Congressman
  • Senator- well, vacant until found guilty, and be replaced by appointment upon deliberation of the Senate
  • Congressman- a councilor from the district
  • Governor &/or Mayor- their Vices, of course
  • anyone not metioned >>>bahala kayo sa buhay niyo!!!<<<

There should be no such as "IMMUNITY" of any official

I hope this prevents officials from doing such things... CORRUPTION... Even though how good you are in secrecy, there is no escape from the law.

As a conclusion here are two statements as quoted by prominent officials...

"Walang kama-kamag-anak, walng kapa-kapatid sa batas" -Former President Joseph Estrada

"The law applies to all, otherwise, none at all" -Mayor Alfredo S. Lim, Manila


- favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship or friendship

I hope everyone understands this word... and have the CONSCIENCE not to exercise this...



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