29 August 2009

Contest BOOM!

Ever since, I always wanted to join various contests in various fields... Math, Science... and more.... But I was not given a chance to join except in some in-school and MTAP Math contests in elementary. But this year... It was all fulfilled! Just this September, I was chosen to be a contestant in a Biology contest, an alternete contestant on a Chemistry contest, and a hopeful in a Computer contest...

This is not to brag all of these, but it's just so overwhelming... I hope that I win these contests!

PS: This is the shortest post I've ever had! :P


20 August 2009

Carrer Conference II

18 August 2009 EDITION!

*****This is the continuation for the post I made about the Carrer Conference...

Another day, another session....

We all assembles at The Auditorium for another message "The World of Work" wherein a proud alumni(well, he has the right to...) shared his life working at P&G (WOW!).

I don't know what happened next....

We were supposed to go to Architecture, the first session, but my name was not in the LIST! I must be in the second session... But since the speaker was late, we procedded to the Auditorium.... For ACCOUNTING... MY PRIORITY CHOICE! I shouldn't have left...

In general, the Speaker was good, but she had no powerpoint presentation to support... Serves right... She just came from Palawan the day before... She works for SVG before by the way!

AT LAST! THE SPEAKER FOR ARCHITECTURE ARRIVED.... And the setting was altered.... I reamined in the Auditorium. He had elaborated the course brifly and clearly!! In fact, he was one of the culprits in renovating RP Manila!!!! WHEEEEE!

We had an evaluation afterwardssss.... It was fair enough, but not good enough, there should have been more choices, so I gave a 4! Not bad...

I am expecting for next year's contiuation.... WHEEE!!!!


17 August 2009

Carrer Conference I

17 August 2009 EDITION

This is where each Junior High School Student's "COLLEGE HUNTING JOURNEY" commences-- the Career Conference.

Today, before we got into our small groups of "INTEREST", we had had a general orientation together with the 4th Year Students at The Auditorium.... The seminar includes: An Inspirational(quite) Message from our Principal Judy Tan, a message from Pastor Jebo Banzuelo on seeking God's will for your future careers, and a life-long sharing of Pursuing Excellence from, Ms. Albano(I think she is the daughter of Mrs. Albano-supervisor)... HA!

But our first step does not end there!!!

We had a break............ And all of a sudden, the bell rang.... We had to go back to our respective areas for the courses of our choice.

First, I went back to The Auditorium, AGAIN, for my first session... Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management, in short.... HRIM! I admit that at first, I was forced to fill in the missing spaces, and sad to say, it interested me even for a bit.... WHY SAD? It added to my giraffe-neck-long list of career choices.... AWWWW.... more hard time to choose from... I also had a chance to ask a question, and another, and another... Actually, the speaker somewhat bored me, but no big deal FOR ME!

Second was the Computer Science at the AVR... Nothing much to tell but here's one.... **BRAGGER MODE** The speaker was soo impressed at my Math Skills!!!! Again, it interested me even with a little percentage of my attention.

The third course that day was Medicine, I did not take that for the mere fact that all probable Pre-Med Courses are of my interest...

So MANY CHOICES, SO LITTLE TIME, if only I could take up all of them
Watch out for more!



14 August 2009

The Mood Disorder Test

Try to answer these questions with full honesty... :D

OK.... Shall we start?!


1. Has there ever been a period when you...
...felt so good or so hyper that other people you were not in your normal self and got into trouble?
...were so irritable you shouted at people or started fights or arguments?
...felt much more self-confident than usual?
...were much more talkative and spoke faster than usual?
...were so easily distracted by things around you that kept you from concentrating?...had much more energy than usual?
...were much more active or did many more things than usual?...were much more sociall or outgoing than usual?
...did things so unusual that other people think you were insane?
...spent somuch you got yourself into trouble?

2. If more than one of these have occurred, have you experienced them at the same time?

3. Have you got into major trouble with these problems?

-Questions answerable by Yes/No
-If you answered "YES" in more than half of the questions, then, it's positive! You have a MOOD DISORDER! But no worries, there are many people who have it!

1st Quarter Periodic Exam 2009-2010

This week has been a roller coaster ride for me.... Iguess for some of my schoolmates as well... It's the 1st quarter periodic examination for the new school year.... The perfect time to give teachers the impressions of what you can do in their classes.... WELL... here goes my journal!

10 August 2009...

Forced not to use the correction pen but ended up using it anyway... Our English teacher said that she would give +2 to the score if there aren't any erasures on the exam except for the essay and those that require sentences as answers, and a deduction of 5 if there are more than 5 areas with erasures, no big deal... But there was a part in the exam wherein I don't know whether to rewrite the sentence or just the"ANSWER"... In this exam, this has to be my lowest-- 92!

In Chemistry, on the other hand, it was easy enough, but for the grade I had, it's not... You'll kill yourself if you have this grade!!! 99

11 August 2009...

Social... like Chemistry, it is a piece of cake... But crap! The misunderstanding again is that freaky absolute location thingy--- a 93 for such BOOO!!!! However, Mr. Ping commended me for standing up for all of my mistakes, well, actually, I defended them.... UHHHH...

TRIGONOMETRY?!?!?!?! WTF... I was expecting for the worst.... A line of 8- ... LUCKILY... I got a 93 as well..

12 August 2009

Filipino.... Grabe naman! Pagbabalangkas ng pangungusap sa loob ng tatlong linya?! DYAHE! Pero perfect ako, hindi pala... SOBRA! 15 out of 12! Dahil diyan... 95 ako. Siyempre... Honest-Honestan... -3 tuloy, 93.... Ako sana highest. Pero worth it dahil kahit -3 na, highest parin ako!!! WOOOHHEEE!!!!

MATH.... Worse than Trigonometry.... 80 na nga lang.... TRUE, the whole class got 80 (base grade: actual grade is 74 talaga pag di III-Blue), but because the very kind teacher adjusted all our grades, 96 na ako!!! 16-22 point discrepancy.... PHEW!

13-14 August....

Chinese History---- I crammed and got pissed.... WHAT?! 99 inthe exam because it was sooooo easy... I just forgot a word.....

Chinese Geometry--- ahhhh.... easy as well... 100!!!! WHEEE!!!

Chinese Communication---- She's a freak! She didnoteven say to write 2 words for word construction!!! -3.... 96.5 lang tuloy.... $Hi+!

ANYWAYS.... For a regular student, it's high enough. but for me it's not..... I vow to myself that I'll compete with myself and redeem me!!!! 2nd Quarter.


Truth Behind Nightmares

1 August 2009, 3:18am

1st August - the day our beloved president Cory Aquino passed away... And obviously, it was not an ordinary death; according to her family, "It was a peaceful and quiet death.". AW... So sad, yet it's better for her to go back Home than for us to see her agony. Thousands, or maybe millions of people have took part from the healing masses... to the "seemingly" state funeral... to the funeral procession at EdSA... to bringing her corpse beside her late husband. This was the Aquinos' side of the story.

Now this was mine...

March of 2008, Senator Noynoy and Kris Aquino have announced that their beloved mother has Stage III Colo rectal Cancer... So... LIKE I CARE?! Hell yeah! The night before the big announcement --- allow me to say this, but I had a dream, a bad dream, a nightmare if this may be called... "I SAW PRESIDENT CORY ON THE HOSPITAL BED, HAVING TO SUSTAIN HER LIFE ONLY THROUGH THOSE FREAKISHLY HUGE HOSPITAL APPARATUSES... DYING!"
Crap! Whatta dream! But I just could have neglected it...

Neglected it just then... I had another dream-------


I was sleeping, YEAH... And then another dream crossed over my mind... "I SAW PRESIDENT CORY AND LATE SENATOR NINOY SPEAKING IN FRONT OF THE PEOPLE, SOMEWHAT LIKE REMINISCING EdSA I... THEN I SAW THE TWO OF THEM VANISH IN THIN AIR..." A terrible headache woke me up, then looked at the clock and saw... 3:18am... But eventually went bed...

And then as soon as I woke up and gained my sanity, I turned on the TV and just heard the news that President Cory has passed way.NO WAY! Another nightmare has come true! 3:18am, MAN!!!!

And my world stopped...

I didn't know what happened next...

The only thing that I remember after knowing the news was the whole family was already at LaSalle Greenhills...

I don't know how to end my story, but this has to though... Oh, right.... Let me leave you with these quotes na lang!

"The Filipino is worth dying for." -Benigno Servillano Aquino, Jr.

"I will dedicate my life till the last drop of my blood for the restoration of freedom on this nation." -Benigno Servillano Aquino, Jr. din! hehe!!!

Born Again Blogspot

The reason why I stopped blogging is that I coudln't find a good blogskin for my blogger... However, now that I've "somewhat" gave up on looking for a good blogskin, I will have to revive my blogger. It's been I guess, more than a month since last posted a blog entry... And it includes political issues...

In fact, I really really really want to blog about the happenings in my life including the MOST HORRIBLE incident that happened - my dream about the passingof former president Aquino.
In my next posts, I would start with what happened the start of August.

Check out my FLICKR as well!!! I'm not so sure about my Flickr site but I'll tell you real soon...

To all my fans (if there are any.... YEAH, RIGHT!), check up on mylife now!!! :P
