14 August 2009

The Mood Disorder Test

Try to answer these questions with full honesty... :D

OK.... Shall we start?!


1. Has there ever been a period when you...
...felt so good or so hyper that other people you were not in your normal self and got into trouble?
...were so irritable you shouted at people or started fights or arguments?
...felt much more self-confident than usual?
...were much more talkative and spoke faster than usual?
...were so easily distracted by things around you that kept you from concentrating?...had much more energy than usual?
...were much more active or did many more things than usual?...were much more sociall or outgoing than usual?
...did things so unusual that other people think you were insane?
...spent somuch you got yourself into trouble?

2. If more than one of these have occurred, have you experienced them at the same time?

3. Have you got into major trouble with these problems?

-Questions answerable by Yes/No
-If you answered "YES" in more than half of the questions, then, it's positive! You have a MOOD DISORDER! But no worries, there are many people who have it!


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